Acupuncture (Medical Acupuncture, Dry Needling)
September 17, 2024The benefits of using Medical Acupuncture Medical acupuncture, a modern adaptation of traditional Chinese acupuncture, offers a range of health…How an Osteopath can help with some common Hip problems
September 17, 2024Hip problems are a common concern for many people, often causing discomfort and limiting mobility. The hip is a ball-and-socket…The benefits of strength training in older adults
January 23, 2024Current research about the great benefits of training with weights and resistance exercises. Strength training in older age is a…How to beat the flu naturally…
January 23, 2024January 2024 Beating the flu naturally involves adopting various strategies that support your immune system. Adequate rest, hydration, and a…Are you sitting for too long
April 30, 2020More people miss work for back pain and mental health issues more than any other ailment. If you sit for…