What Does Acupuncture Treat?
Although many patients are nervous about the prospect of a needle being “stuck into them”, the treatment is virtually painless, and many patients fall asleep during treatment.
Modern acupuncture can help with any of the following injuries and conditions:
Back Pain
Whiplash Injuries
Neck / Shoulder Tension
Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI)
Tennis and Golfers Elbow
Headaches and Migraines
Postural Strain
Sports Injuries
Sciatic Pain
Frozen Shoulder
Ankle Sprains
Jaw Pain or Problems
If you are unsure whether Acupuncture is suitable for you, please call the clinic on 01536 414567 for free advice.
New patients .... £60
Follow up treatment .... £54
Members of the BMAS (British Medical Acupuncture Society) observe a code of practice which lays down stringent standards of hygiene for disposal of the used needles.
Patients who donate blood and have acupuncture can obtain a blood donation certificate from the clinic.
By inserting fine needles into certain areas of the body the acupuncture can stimulate the body’s own healing response and help restore its natural balance by involving neurochemical and physical processes.
As such, it is often a highly useful adjunct to osteopathic treatment. Most frequently, needles of varying lengths are inserted directly into muscle mass to help allieviate painful conditions.

Aims of Treatment
The goal of treatment is to release muscle tension and alleviate nerve tissue irritation by reducing the nerve impulse, or stimulating local blood. Acupuncture is a very fast and effective pain relief. The sensation from an acupuncture needle should not feel painful to the patient. Sensations often experienced by patients are tingling, heat or a numb feeling all of which are positive signs of the treatment.
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"I have had ongoing back, neck and shoulder problems for a few years. After being introduced to acupuncture by Rachel, I am so impressed by the success of this treatment. It is not painful, I can't even feel the needles going in, and it is very effective."
G Brown, Corby